Punch & Die Sets For Scratch Building : RP Toolz : Product Review

rptoolspunch 2

Punch & Die Sets

  • Manufacturer: RP Toolz
  • Scale: All
  • Area: Tools
  • Camera Angels: 4
  • Camera Definition: Full HD
  • Presented By: Bobby Waldron
  • item No: ?

This is a great product from RP Toolz, its high quality and highly effective at making all sorts of scratch building details,

Big Punch and die set
The set contains a die plate, 12 different punch tools from 2mm to 4,5mm and a mini hammer. Tool designed: plastic, PVC, aluminium, brass or styrene circle and hole maker. Weight:420gr.

Hexagonal Punch and die
The set contains a die plate, 6 different hexagonal punch tools from 0,7 mm up to 2 mm, and a mini hammer. Tool designed: plastic, aluminium, brass or stirol hexagonal piece or hole maker. Tool material: galvanized steel, plexi, aluminium. Weight: 250gr.

Punch and die set
The set contains a die plate, 16 different punch tool from 0,5mm to 2mm with 0,1mm steps and a mini hammer. Tool designed: plastic, PVC, aluminium, brass or styrene circle and hole maker. Tool material: galvanized steel, plexi sheet, aluminium. Weight: 380 gr.

Rivets maker
The set contains a die plate, 10 different punch tools from 0,6mm to 2mm and a mini hammer. Tool designed: plastic, PVC, aluminium, brass or styrene rivet shape and hole maker. Tool material: Galvanized steel, plexi sheet, aluminium. Weight: 330 g.

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Punch & Die Sets For Scratch Building : RP Toolz : Product Review

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